by Anna Jones | Jun 10, 2021 | Meal Planning, Recipes
Over the quarantine last Summer my family, like so many others, spent more time together watching TV. I decided it would be fun to share some classic movies from my childhood with my two teenage girls, like Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Footloose. Such an...
by Anna Jones | Jun 4, 2021 | Non-Diet, Weight-Inclusive, Health at Every Size!, Uncategorized
This is my daughter and I at the NEDA (National Eating Disorders Awareness) Walk at Cascades Park. NEDA walks are held all over the country throughout the year to raise awareness around disordered eating. We participated in the “scale smash” activity. The...
by Anna Jones | Apr 28, 2021 | Non-Diet, Weight-Inclusive, Health at Every Size!, Uncategorized
I hear the deeply emotional personal stories from clients all the time about seeking medical care and being told, no matter the issue, to just lose weight. I often sit and listen to clients and their experiences with mouth agape and head shaking in disbelief. One...
by Anna Jones | Feb 20, 2021 | Intuitive and Mindful Eating
What is the first word or thought that comes to mind when you think of hunger? For many hunger is seen as a nuisance, our body nagging us to do one more thing. For some hunger incites anxiety and fear. Many of the clients I talk with have gotten to the point, after...
by Anna Jones | Feb 8, 2021 | Uncategorized
I was recently asked to do a Zoom presentation for The Florida Bar. I came up with Diets Don't Work: Five Things to Focus on Instead. I discussed just a few of the many reasons why fad diets and restriction don’t work and just five of the many things we...