Want To Know Which Diet Is Best?

The word “diet” is one of my least favorite words. With it typically come thoughts of deprivation, restriction, and past failures. On the other hand I am aware of health conscious people’s constant search for the perfect diet. I realize that people...

Super Simple Sloppy Joes…again

I have posted this recipe before but I made them last night and was reminded how good they are.  I used grass fed ground beef.    It was on sale at Publix so I bought one to use and one to pop in the freezer for later.  You probably would want to double the...

Be Kinder To Yourself

Take a few moments and think of 3-5 words to describe how you feel about your body.  Go ahead, I’ll wait. What came to mind?  Was it strong, able, fit, beautiful, muscular, healthy?  Or did your descriptive words have a more negative slant? In our society...