There is a lot of misinformation, and people’s opinions, that float around about food and nutrition. The thing is though that nutrition should not be based on opinion. Nutrition is a science and is about scientific facts. I think it is easy to lose sight of this, especially in this day and age of information overload on the internet and social media.
One of my favorite sayings that I learned from my husband is, “Often wrong, but never uncertain.” Just because someone speaks loudly or often and is really convincing about something doesn’t necessarily mean that what they are saying is true or fact or that we should heed their recommendation. Many people who preach the latest fad diet, book, product, or supplement fit that bill. This is why it is so important to base nutrition advice and information on evidence-based information and not just opinion or hearsay.
On that note, there are certain foods that I often get asked about that are seen as “bad” for us. Maybe they were on a “do not eat” list of some diet or another. But, for whatever reason many people see these foods as “bad.”
Here is a list of a few perfectly healthy foods we tend to think of as “bad” and the reasons why they aren’t:
Ever since the Sugar Busters diet was introduced in the mid 90’s people have had issue with carrots. Just this week I was asked what my opinion on them is. Sugar Busters claimed they were full of sugar and to be avoided. In reality, carrots are nutrition packed and low calorie – with 1 cup having only about 50 calories – and are a perfectly acceptable choice. They are full of fiber, beta-carotene, potassium, and antioxidants. They are a great crunchy snack paired with a little hummus or dip or roasted in the oven. I particularly like the tricolor purple, yellow, and orange ones. So forget that old notion that carrots are to be avoided.
I think bananas are the #1 most understood food out there. I have had more conversations than I can count defending them. People have shunned them for no good reason, and I am on a mission to bring bananas back! The real truth is that bananas are full of nutritional benefits. We all know of one of their beneficial nutrients, potassium. A medium banana has about 420 mg of potassium. Getting plenty of potassium is important in combating high blood pressure because potassium lessens the effect of sodium. Eating bananas as well as plenty of other fruits and vegetables is an easy way to boost your potassium. Bananas are also good sources of fiber, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. #bringbananasback
Grapes are another fruit that are often maligned and avoided because they are believed to be too high in sugar. In moderate, healthy portions, though, grapes are a perfectly healthy choice. Grapes are great sources of vitamin C and K, fiber, as well as the cancer and heart disease fighting antioxidant resveratrol.
Nuts and nut butters
Another nutritional powerhouse that despite loads of evidence supporting the positive benefits of it, still gets a bad rap. Nuts and nut butters supply a boat load of nutrition, providing a good dose of plant-based protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals. The suggested benefits of eating nuts and nut butters regularly are impressive. Research has shown that regular intake may help in reducing LDL or “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides, lowering levels of inflammation, and reducing the risk of developing blood clots. Because of their impressive nutritional profile, their proposed health benefits, and the fact they just taste good and are satisfying definitely makes them a food to include often.
Starchy vegetables
A large portion of my time with clients is spent convincing them that all carbs are not “bad” and in fact are a necessary part of a healthy diet. Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes (of all kinds, not just sweet), corn, peas, and beans are all complex, slow-burning real-food carbs that are full of potassium, vitamin C, and fiber.
They are different than non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, leafy greens, and asparagus in that they contain more carbohydrates so therefore can increase your blood sugars at a quicker rate. However, this doesn’t mean you need to consider starchy vegetables “off limits.” As discussed above, although carbs are often demonized, they really aren’t the bad guy. Starchy vegetables are a delicious and perfectly healthy choice that can give your body the slow burning energy it needs.
Wrap Up
Dietitians are often associated with being the food police and taking all the good stuff out of our diet. One of my favorite things though is to hear a client proclaim, “What?! I can actually eat _______. I love them but thought they were off limits!” I have said it before and will say it again, eating well for a lifetime is not about a long list of restrictions, but more about being well informed about the abundance of options of wonderfully healthy foods we need to be including more of.
The interesting thing is that the longer your list of “can’t haves” and “don’t eats” is the more limiting and restricting it becomes, which then creates more desire for those foods often label as “off-limits”. The more we can change our relationship and mindset with food to a more positive one, and weed out the chatter and nonsense, the better.